Entering a check shop, you will see various kinds of little checks filled with a shop. Every check not only stands for a seller but also a dream. Many sellers dream of opening a shop; therefore, through renting a check, they can “open a check” to exhibit what to sell. Check shop is just like the “idea market”. In the shop, you can find many delicate and multiple stuffs, including body lotion, handmade purse, medicine, clothes, ear rings, watches, and so on. Anything you would like to sell can exhibit in a check. Among various kind of merchandise, unique handicrafts are the most popular in a check shop. In fact, if a seller’s products have nothing special, it is easy to eliminate through this competitive market. As a result, creativity is the necessary condition to exist in the check shop.
Many talented young people choose this way to sell their creative handicrafts. Especially students who major in Design department, they take advantage of what to learn to create attractive stuffs such as hand-painted clothes and shoes. In addition, low-priced rental is the most attractive condition for sellers to rent. They need not stay the shop so they can greatly save their time and energy to do other things.
Most consumers are interested in unique and novel products. Although handicrafts are slightly more expansive than ordinary merchandise, they still attract consumers’ attention. Through going to check shopping, consumers can realize the trend of fashion and they can pick up a creative and unique gift to their friend. In resent years, there are more and more check shops in Taiwan, and many people refer running a check to as a part-time job. In the period of economic recession, they find another income for their own.
Reporter: Apple
回覆刪除Reviewer: Cherry, Fiona
Editor: Amanda
Organizer: Doris
Members read Apple’s story, then Fiona and Cherry corrected some grammar problems. Fiona and Doris liked the idea of that piece of news, but both of them suggested Apple working more on the wordings. Amanda noticed a grammar problem and Fiona gave her opinion on one important wording in that article. Doris and Amanda pointed out another grammar errors and Doris suggested that Apple should examine her story again and check if there are wordings and grammar parts need to be improved. Fiona further worked out an interesting title which members all think it was good than the previous one. The discussion came to the end.
[2009/03/25 0:56] Makong Broono: http://journalisticwriting1.blogspot.com/
[2009/03/25 0:58] Fiona Galaxy: you can't not major in "design departmet"
[2009/03/25 0:58] Fiona Galaxy: u major in design
[2009/03/25 0:59] Makong Broono: ok
[2009/03/25 0:59] Cherry1213 Lemon: stand for "not only" a seller but...
[2009/03/25 1:01] Cherry1213 Lemon: "purses" "earrings"
[2009/03/25 1:01] Makong Broono: ok
[2009/03/25 1:01] Fiona Galaxy: i like the idea of your news
[2009/03/25 1:01] Dori Yuhara: some problems and wording need to be fixed but content is ok
[2009/03/25 1:01] Fiona Galaxy: u need to work on the wording
[2009/03/25 1:02] Makong Broono: i know
[2009/03/25 1:02] Amandast Dezno: a shop is filled with various kinds of little checks
[2009/03/25 1:03] Amandast Dezno: Anything you would like to sell can "be"exhibit in a check
[2009/03/25 1:03] Amandast Dezno: exhibited
[2009/03/25 1:03] Makong Broono: a big problem
[2009/03/25 1:03] Fiona Galaxy: i think using "check" would be misleading reader
[2009/03/25 1:03] Fiona Galaxy: maybe u should say "check box" or something
[2009/03/25 1:04] Fiona Galaxy: cuz i look up the meaning in dictionary, check has alot of meanings
[2009/03/25 1:05] Dori Yuhara: it is easy to 'be eliminated' through this competitive market.
[2009/03/25 1:05] Dori Yuhara: still some grammar errors and wording
[2009/03/25 1:06] Fiona Galaxy: maybe u can give us a most unbelievable good that sells in check shop, it would b interesting
[2009/03/25 1:06] Makong Broono: i see
[2009/03/25 1:06] Amandast Dezno: in "recent " year
[2009/03/25 1:07] Amandast Dezno: it's an interesting news
[2009/03/25 1:07] Amandast Dezno: draw my attention
[2009/03/25 1:07] Fiona Galaxy: yeah nice title though it can b put in different ways
[2009/03/25 1:08] Makong Broono: do you have another good idea?
[2009/03/25 1:08] Fiona Galaxy: "small check shop hides infinete creativity"
[2009/03/25 1:09] Amandast Dezno: fiona is really good at title revision
[2009/03/25 1:09] Fiona Galaxy: thanks
[2009/03/25 1:09] Makong Broono: good!!
A small check shop hides infinite creativity
Be an owner of your check box! Creativity brings business!
Entering a check shop, you will see various kinds of little check boxes in a shop. Every check box stands for not only a seller but also a dream. Many sellers dream of opening a shop; therefore, through renting a check box, they can “open a check box” to exhibit what to sell. Check shop is just like the “idea market”. In the shop, you can find many delicate and multiple stuffs, including body lotion, handmade purses, medicine, clothes, earrings, watches, and so on. Anything you would like to sell can be exhibited in a check box. Among various kind of merchandise, unique handicrafts are the most popular in a check shop. In fact, if a seller’s products have nothing special, it is easy to be eliminated through this competitive market. As a result, creativity is the necessary condition to exist in the check shop.
Many talented young people choose this way to sell their creative handicrafts. Especially students who major in Design, they take advantage of what to learn to create attractive stuffs such as hand-painted clothes and shoes. In addition, low-priced rental is the most attractive condition for sellers to rent. They need not stay the shop so they can greatly save their time and energy to do other things.
Most consumers are interested in unique and novel products. Although handicrafts are slightly more expansive than ordinary merchandise, they still attract consumers’ attention. Through going to check shopping, consumers can realize the trend of fashion and they can pick up a creative and unique gift to their friend. In recent years, there are more and more check shops in Taiwan, and many people refer running a check to as a part-time job. In the period of economic recession, they find another income for their own.
Please post it as a new post.